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Infinity Digital Voice Calling Features

bullet Caller ID
bullet Call Waiting
bullet Call Forwarding
bullet Call Transfer
bullet Call Return (*69)
bullet Last Number Redial
bullet Speed Dial
bullet Three-Way Calling
bullet Anonymous Call Reject
bullet Email Notification
bullet Voicemail

With Infinity Digital Voice, all basic calling features are included in whatever plan you choose.  Using our online account and feature management tool along with special dialing codes, you'll have complete control over all your calling features.

Unlike with traditional phone companies, you won't have to call to make feature changes and there are no additional fees for using them. You manage all these  features yourself using any standard web browser.

Caller ID

Caller ID/Calling Name Retrieval looks up the name of a caller in an external database when the name did not arrive with the original call.

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Call Waiting

Answer a call while already on another call. Call Waiting allows you to receive another call while you are on the phone. You can turn it on or off for all calls and then selectively turn it back on or off using the *70 feature access code directly from your phone. You'll never miss a phone call again. Answer a call while already on another call. When a second call is received while you are already on the phone a call waiting tone alert you. See the callers ID on your phone if you are using Caller ID. To answer the waiting call, simply press the flash button or switch hook. You will be connected with the waiting party and while your original party holds. Press the flash button or switch hook again, to reconnect to the original party and hold the waiting party. You can continue to alternate between parties as often as you'd like. Its like having two lines while paying for only one.

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Call Forwarding

Automatically forward all your incoming calls to a different phone number. Call Forwarding allows you to forward all your incoming calls to a different phone number, such as your home office or cell phone. You can also make your office phone emit a short ring burst to inform you if you are next to your phone when the call is forwarded by using the Ring Reminder. This is important when you have forgotten the service is turned on and you are at your desk waiting to receive calls. Note that the number you forward your calls to must be permitted by your outgoing calling plan. You can also set the phone number to forward to using the voice portal or on the phone using the feature access code.

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Call Transfer

Transfer a call while using a simple phone without call control capability. Flash Call Transfer allows you to transfer a call even when your phone does not have a transfer button. To transfer a call, flash the phone (click the flash button or click the hang up button once) then dial the number you would like to transfer the call to. Once the transfer number answers, click flash again and the two callers are connected. If you have Flash Three-Way Calling, instead of transferring on the second flash, you are connected in a conference call. Once in the conference call, if you hang up the phone, the callers remain talking to each other, in effect, transferred.

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Call Return (*69)

Call the last party that called you, whether or not the call was answered. To call back the last party that called, simply dial the call return feature code [*69]. The system stores the number of the last party to call, and connects the user to that party. Call Return (*69) is always free.

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Last Number Redial

Call the last number that you dialed. Last Number Redial allows you to redial the last number you called by clicking the "Redial" button on your phone or by dialing the feature access code.

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Speed Dial

Dial a pre-defined number by dialing one or two digits. Speed Dial 8 allows you to set up to eight speed dial numbers that can be called with the push of a button. Speed Dial 100 allows you to set up to 100 speed dial numbers that can be called with the push of two buttons. Enter the number as you would normally dial it and then just hit that number on your touch pad to call it. You can also program your speed dial using your phone and the star code for Speed Dial 8 or 100.

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Three-Way Calling

Start a conference call when using a simple phone without call control capability. Flash Three-Way Calling allows you to perform a conference call even when your phone does not have a conference button. To conference a call, flash the phone after you have made the first call (click the flash button or click the hang up button once) then dial the second number of the person you would like to complete the conference with. Once the second number answers, click flash again and the conference call will be established. To end the conference, hang up. If you have Flash Call Transfer, the conference does not end when you hang up since the callers are transferred together.

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Anonymous Call Reject

Prevent a caller from reaching you when the caller has explicitly restricted his/her Caller ID/number. Anonymous Call Rejection allows you to reject calls from callers who have blocked the display of their number. Only deliberate anonymous numbers are rejected. Callers whose numbers are unavailable are not rejected. Callers that are rejected are informed that you are not accepting calls from unidentified callers. Your phone does not ring and you do not receive any indication that they called. However, this does not apply to calls within your group.

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Email Notification

Automatically forward all your incoming calls to an email address.

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Record messages for calls that are not answered within a specified number of rings or for busy calls. Voice Management allows you to specify how to handle your voice messages. Use Unified messaging if you want to use your phone to retrieve voice messages. You can also just choose to send the message to your Email and not use the phone for voice messaging.

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