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Infinity Digital Voice Phone Service Related Questions
What is "Digital Phone Service"?
What is Infinity Digital Voice?
What are the advantages of Infinity Digital Voice service?
Why should I switch to Infinity Digital Voice?
How do I sign up for Infinity Digital Voice?


What is digital phone service?
Digital phone service gives callers the ability to place voice telephone calls using a "digital" network as compared to the analog network used by most traditional phone companies. Most often digital phone calls will travel over the Internet as a result, callers placing digital calls must have an Internet connection in order to place digital calls.

What is Infinity Digital Voice?
Infinity Digital Voice is the brand name we call our digital phone service. Infinity provides digital phone service for residential customers as well as business customers.

What are the advantages of Infinity Digital Voice service?
There are numerous advantages that Infinity's Digital Voice service offers over traditional phone service including lower cost, more enhanced features, the ability to travel with your account. For more details please see are various digital rate plans.

Why should I switch to Infinity Digital Voice?
You should switch to Infinity Digital Voice to take advantage of the many benefit that Infinity Digital Voice offers, the most important of which is savings. A traditional unlimited local and long distance calling plan from your local phone company can cost you as much as $80 per month and some plans charge as much as 5 or 10 cents per minute for long distance calling. With Infinity Digital Voice you pay a flat fee of $29.95 per month and never pay any long distance charges, that is a savings of close to 70% from traditional phone service.

How do I sign up for Infinity Digital Voice Service?
Signing up for Infinity Digital Voice is easy, simply click here to go to our Infinity Digital Voice Sign-up Page and complete the sign-up process. You may keep your existing telephone number or sign up for a new phone number. Your new service will be set up within a few business days and your digital phone adaptor shipped to you, once you receive it simply connect and you may begin making digital calls.

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